The upheaval at OpenAI and Mastercard’s effort against Cryptocurrency fraud
Nov 20th, 2023 - The world of artificial intelligence looks very different today, indeed, after the extraordinary upheaval at OpenAI of the weekend, Microsoft (MSFT), the OpenAI’s biggest investor, announced on Sunday night that it would have hired Mr. Altman, the former CEO of the AI giant, to run a new advanced research lab. Microsoft late-night announcement restored its stock price, which had dropped after Friday’s news: Altman’s hiring can be considered as a major win for Microsoft and should lead to further gains for stock. The massive shakeup of the weekend affected Nvidia (NVDA)(0.215 units @ $462.20) as well since OpenAI and Microsoft are both big buyers of Nvidia’s GPUs but the company continues showing strength with a further accomplishment: it will keep selling their chips to the Chinese…